Paddles & Scheduled Events
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Solostice Gathering - Dec 21 - Ruckle Park
Solostice Gathering – Dec 21 – Ruckle Park
Sept 17/18 Intro to Kayak Camping
We are proposing an introductory overnight basic trip for those interested in multi-day kayaking. Join us for a moderate paddle to Prevost Island, where we’ll camp overnight and return the next day.
Participants will gain hands-on experience in packing and transporting camping gear, food, and water, and we’ll prepare dinner together as a group. This trip is designed to build confidence for a multi-day paddle next year.
To join, paddlers must be able to self-rescue and have their safety equipment. Please note that the trip is weather-dependent, taking wind and rain conditions into account.
Brian and April will be available to answer any questions and will send out information on what to bring/pack. Having recently completed our first multi-day trips (the Broken Islands), we felt an overnight introduction would be a valuable experience.
If you’re interested, email us
Wednesday Sept. 4 Maple Bay
Monday August 26 Paddle to Crofton Marshes I (AKA Shoal Islands)
Monday August 26
Paddle to Crofton Marshes I (AKA Shoal Islands)
The ever-popular Crofton Marshes trip is back again!
Host: Susan
On the water: 1000.
Return: around 1700
Launch: Southey Point on Arbutus Road
Trip: We’ll cross the 2nm to Tent Island where we can take a short break then continue
to Willy Island for lunch in a protected bay. Once the tide has risen sufficiently we will
make our way through the marshes and up the creek to a swimming hole (if the water is
high enough), where we will partake if it is warm enough. NOTE this paddle is on a
Monday not a Friday to capitalize on tides required to get into the marshes. There are
2 open crossings and wind can pick up on this route. Trip is open for up to 10 people.
Bring: Lunch, water, snacks
Friday Aug. 9 Isabella Point and Russell Island
Friday August 9
Isabella Point and Russell Island
An easy to moderate paddle, suitable for all levels of paddler, to explore the Isabella
Islets and Russell Island off the south end of Salt Spring.
Host: Larry
On the water: 1000 hours.
Return: around 1400-1500.
Launch: Hamilton Beach, Isabella Pt Rd.
Trip: We’ll launch into an ebbing 2.3m tide (7.7 ft), giving us a gentle push out and
along the western shore of Fulford Harbour, then round Isabella Pt to the Isabella Islets.
These Islets are a Special Preservation Area, and we cannot land there, but they are a
joy to explore from the water.
After noodling around the islets, we’ll head across the mouth of Fulford Harbour — after
the Skeena Queen sails by — and land on a beautiful sandy beach on Russell Island,
where we’ll have lunch. This island was owned by Hawaiian settlers in the late 19 th
century and a short loop trail exists that leads to the original home (since refurbished)
and remnants of the original orchard.
After lunch, we’ll paddle along the southern shore of Russell then head across to the
Tsawout Reserve then follow the eastern side of Fulford Harbour, for a bit, then cross
over to Hamilton Beach.
Distance: 7 Nmi. (13 km)
Bring: All safety gear, plus lunch, water, snacks
Tides: Fulford Harbour: 08:29 2.4m (7.9 ft), 14:13 1.6m (5.2 ft)
Friday July 26 Burgoyne Bay to Maple Bay
Host: Tilly
On the water: 1000. Return: around 1600
Launch: Burgoyne Bay
Trip: From Burgoyne Bay we’ll follow the Salt Spring coastline then cross to Arbutus Point on Vancouver Island. We’ll stop for lunch at the The Lion Rampant Scottish Pub then explore Maple Bay, making our way to Octopus point then crossing back to Burgoyne Bay. There are two small open water crossings
Bring: $ for a delicious pub lunch, and lots of water
Tides: Steady ebb mid morning to mid afternoon then a steady flood.
0410 6 ft
0909 8 ft
1457 4.4 ft
2208 11.1 ft
Contact: Tilly
Friday July 12 Paddle To Portland island.
Host: Tangachee
On the water: !000. Return: around 1700
Launch: Hamilton Beach
Trip: We’ll paddle across to Portland Island, circumnavigate the island and lunch at Shell Beach.
Bring: Lunch, water, snacks
Friday June 28 - Sheila’s Mystery Paddle!
Host: Sheila
Sheila will host this paddle. Please connect with her
Friday June 21 - Solstice Paddle and Feast
Solstice Paddle
Weather’s looking sunny and hot for Friday June 21. There’s still time to sign up for the Solstice Paddle. The potluck supper is on Russell Island at 1700, but those wanting to generate an appetite will be on the water at Hamilton Beach at 1030 for a paddle to Portland Island and then return to Russell for the potluck. A great way for newcomers to meet up with other club members!
Host: Jude
On the water: 1030 for the Portland/Russell paddle.
Launch: Hamilton Beach for the Portland/Russell paddle. We’ll cross to Portland via Russell Island as a tight group through a ferry lane Same plan on return. We’ll leave Portland around 1615 to meet others at 1700 at Russell Island. Those only coming for the Russell potluck should paddle as a group and meet us there at 1700 hours.
Parking: Can be limited at Hamilton Beach. Please carpool, or be ready to park at Drummond Park and shuttle back up to Hamilton Beach or to launch at Drummond.
Bring: lots of water, lunch, and a contribution for the potluck on Russell.
If launching at Drummond Park:
The tide ebbs until 1106 hours then floods until 2002 hours. For the Russell-only folk, there will be enough water for launching at Drummond Park from about 1530 hours and plenty for the return trip. Before 1530 the water will be quite low and might involve a long carry down the beach.

Monday June 17 - Walace Island
A lovely trip across to Wallace Island and perhaps to Retreat Cove on Galiano Island. Swimming a definite possibility!
Host: Sonja
On the water: Sonja will advise of time when you contact her
Launch: Hudson Beach.
Bring: lunch, water, snacks, swim gear
Friday June 7 - Burgoyne Bay to Musgrave Point
A paddle from Burgoyne Bay along the Salt Spring shore to the Musgrave Point campsite for picnic lunch with a short hike after lunch on the Provincial Recreation Site. Return will be on Vancouver Island side and up to Octopus Pt. before crossing back to the Burgoyne launch site.
Host: John G
On the water: 1000 hours. Expect to be back around 1630.
Launch: Burgoyne Bay.
Bring: lunch, water, snacks
Tides: 11.8 ft at 0430 and 0.3 ft at 1213 then 12.8 ft at 2049 (Maple Bay) so the currents are favourable in both directions. An approximate total of 11 nautical miles.
Rescue Training
Thetis island Pub
Great day on the water
Paddle for Sunday May 19th

Hi Folks

Maple Bay Lunch Paddle

Portland Is. Paddle
Sunday April 21/2024 …… Short notice paddle
Sunday looks like a good day to be on the water.
Thinking of a trip to Portland Is.
- Leave Hamilton Beach 10:00
- Paddle to Portland, make a few stops and have launch on the beach , explore …. there may be some wild flowers …back on the water by mid afternoon.
- Plan to be back to your Launch-site 3:30 ish
Will involve two open water crossings and Marine Traffic ….. approx 11 mn.
Geat day on the water and yes there were wild flowers
Club Meeting (April 18)
TIME: 6:15-9:00PM
7:00-7:15 PIERRE – club updates
7:15-8:15 JUDE : Preparing for a multi-day paddling expedition
8:15-9:00 SHOW & TELL – bring (or tell about) your favourite/unique/most useful/useless etc. piece of kayaking equipment.
8:15-9:00 KAYAK GEAR- trade/swap/sell/buy. There will be tables set up to display your gear.
Knots and Tarp Work Session
How many club members does it take to put up a tarp?
Thanks Graham for an entertaining and educational day.
Are you interested in learning how to tie some basic knots used while kayaking and kayak camping? Thought that we could meet at 10:00AM on March 16th and practice tying knots before lunch. During the afternoon we can use our new skills to set up various tarp configurations. If time allows at the end of the tarp session we will setup a bear cache. We should wrap up before 4:00PM.
To ensure that you have the chance to receive hands on direction it would be best to limit the group to eight.
Please let me know if you are interested by email
Club Meeting (Feb 15)
Please find below the agenda for the Feb 15th meeting. If you are able to bring a few home made treats, please let Michael or Colin know. Thanks
Thursday February 15th 2024 Salt Spring Paddlers Meeting
Salt Spring Sailing Club. 152 Douglas Road
6.15pm -7.00 pm Meet and Greet and refreshments
· 7.00pm -7.30pm Club Updates
· 7.30pm -8.30pm Photography from a Kayak: Pierre.
· 8.30pm -9.00pm Wrap Up
· As part of the presentation Pierre invites you to send in some of your best photography preferably shots on the water or, on a club outing. Send up to 5 photographs in jpg files under 2 MB each. Please send to and please put ‘Kayak phoos’ in the subject line. Photos need to be received on or before 9 February to be included in the presentation
Winter Solstice Social Event
Hi Paddlers,